Engage your Heart

Love You Too® is a new, unique, charming, and fun way to dedicate your thoughts of love or friendship to your loved ones. It is an all-Italian project because Italy is the country of Love. Love You Too® is the new experience created in 2023. Join this exciting project and create your virtual love lock too.


Good news for all lovers and those who want to demonstrate their affection but cannot dedicate a real love padlock by setting it in a real bridge. The beautiful tradition inaugurated with the lock of love placed on Ponte Milvio now returns to digital form returns to host the promises and dedications to loved ones.
So do not despair and entrust your promises of love or affection by attacking a "virtual padlock" on a damn romantic bridge in the world with your declaration of love or affection.

Virtual Love Locks are a fun and enviromentally friendly way to show love commitments & share them with friends & family on social media with an autentic certificate printed for any use.

How it all started
The impact of Love Locks around the world has created a lot of media interest especially where the cumulative weight of the love locks has caused damage to bridges. Following recent news about the collapse of a Love Bridge in Paris, there had to be an alternative way for people who are in love to show their commitment with love locks.

What relationships can be Love Locked?
Well, you can create a Love Lock with your loved one. Your loved one can be your Partner, Best friend, Pet, Sibling, Parent or anyone whom you feel undying love for... including yourself!
How it works
 You Customise your Virtual Love Lock (When we get funding, we will design and develop more  Virtual Love Locks and you will be able to choose and customise.)

Purchase your commitment certificate, which you can choose from various options dedicated to love, friendship, or other themes.

Phase 2: Once you have purchased the certificate, you can personalize it with sweet and cute images of your choice, a bridge from a location around the world, and a dedicated love or friendship lock.

Phase 3: At this point, you will add your dedication, selecting the colors and background that you like the most, and finally, you will enter the desired date.

Phase 4: Save your certificate as a PDF file in 20x30 format and send it via email to the person you want, or print it in color and give it to your loved one. You can also always download your virtual love lock as many times as you want; it will remain available in your reserved area.

Preserving the Environment Without Giving Up on Your Pledge of Love: The New Virtual Love You Too Love Lock

In our commitment to protecting the environment, we often face choices that seem to require a compromise between love and sustainability. That's why, by using the virtual "Love You Too" love lock, we can keep our message of love and commitment alive without harming the environment. With the symbol "Love You Too," we can send a message of love and obtain a commitment certificate on any bridge we desire while preserving the environment. In this article, we will explore how the love lock can be a sustainable option for expressing our feelings and commitments, allowing us to protect the environment we cherish.

Preserving the environment is a responsibility that falls upon all of us. We must make conscious choices to reduce the environmental impact of our actions and ensure a sustainable future. This includes adopting eco-friendly alternatives to traditional expressions of love, such as the classic love lock on a bridge. To preserve the environment without giving up on our pledge of love, we can use the "Love You Too" love lock, which allows us to express our love commitment without harming the surrounding environment.

Love You Too is a sustainable message of love. Sending a message of love through the "Love You Too" symbol is a sustainable and eco-friendly option. We can use this phrase to express our feelings and commitment to a loved one without relying on materials that could harm the environment. We can send our message through digital means, such as online love messages or personalized videos, thereby reducing resource consumption and waste production.

Ecological commitment certificate: To accompany our message of love, we can offer an ecological commitment certificate. This certificate represents our dedication to a sustainable relationship and an environmentally respectful love. It can be a meaningful gesture for the beloved person, demonstrating our devotion to a future where love and sustainability go hand in hand.

Preserving the environment does not mean giving up on our pledge of love. By using the sustainable love lock and the "Love You Too" message, we can express our feelings and commitments without harming the surrounding environment. Sending a sustainable message of love through digital means and offering an ecological commitment certificate are creative and meaningful ways to protect the environment we deeply care for, while keeping our love and commitment alive for our loved ones.