learn about the origins of the love lock tradition and how it all began

The origins of the love locks and how the fiction has been inspired

The most famous story is the padlock of Florence. It was here that the official students of the military medical school began to hang the padlocks of their lockers to the fence of the old bridge as a symbolic ceremony for the closure of the academic period.

Love You Too is a welcome thought as Valentine's Day gift ideas for him and her. Give a padlock of virtual love to tie someone you love or that you think is important for your life.

This tradition was subsequently adopted by the famous author of novels Rosa Francesco Moccia in "three meters above the sky". A novel that tells a love story between teenagers, describes two different worlds in comparison and which also becomes the portrait of the Roman teenagers of the 1980s. This meant that he became very popular among lovers. But there are several legends, also of other countries, on the birth of the lock of love. A lock of love is a padlock that couples position on a bridge, a fence, a statue or another installation to commemorate their indestructible bond. Often the name of the couple and the date are often engraved, while others go further with ribbons and stickers.
According to another theory, the origin of the tradition of the lock of love dates back to a Serbian love story of the First World War. The real popularity in recent years, however, can be traced back to the second Italian novel by Federico Moccia who became a 2006 film, "I want you" in the book, a couple appeals a lock of love to Ponte Milvio in Rome to declare theirs indestructible love. Since then, lovers have been inspired and have done the same all over the world.

Not only declarations of love for the virtual love packets

It should also be said that love packets are increasingly chosen as gifts for men or women on the most disparate occasions. That's why Love Too allows you to have a unique opportunity, to choose a place that has a special meaning for your relationship. Maybe the city where everything started, the place where you came out for the first time or the place where you lived or would like to live the most beautiful adventures together. You will certainly find an ideal place to place the padlock so that it becomes a splendid memory and be well wishful to promise to live the real adventures together.

But why create virtual love lock packets?

To date, unfortunately less and less is allowed to attack the lacketes of love on public works and bridges of the cities in the world. Often depends on local authorities. There are many cities in which this custom is now tolerated, while in other cities, the lacketes of love are removed from bridges and other public works at regular intervals. In some cities, on the other hand, there is a ban on attaching the padlocks to the structure of some works, because their overall weight could damage them. In this case, some cities offer spaces specifically set up to allow lovers to attack their padlock which therefore will not be removed.

Love You Too allows you to do well to the environment and at the same time to create your ideal history by having the world as a stage without damaging anything. It is a way to maintain the romanticity of gestures and thoughts in a modern world and with many alternatives. At the same time it offers you an almost unlimited scenario in your choices that can be well -being for a future together. Maybe visiting those same places that you have promised yourself in a virtual way a few years earlier.


Let someone really special to you know that you appreciate everything about them and know how to recognize their particular characteristics. Do it with love you too, find a bridge you'd like to dedicate to it and dedicate a virtual padlock to it. The receiving person will understand that they are truly special to you and will look at you with different eyes and incredible joy. Let yourself be inspired by our pages and create the right dedication you want to send. Special people are important to us and it's worth dedicating time and affection or love to them as the case may be but also letting them know how important they are to us. Spread your love or simply a thought of affection or esteem to the person you care about with Love you too. Propose yourself with this exclusive idea that will strengthen your friendship or your love or... will lay the foundations for it. .

A nice and original thought.

A love lock, albeit virtual, symbolizes the security and preservation of precious feelings and fellowship, as are friendship and love. The love locks on bridges are universal symbols of love, devotion and commitment. Commit your love forever with Love You too.

Love You Too  for saying someone " i think to you" also as a gift for Valentine's Day for him and for her. Send a virtual Love Lock to gift love to someone you love or who is important for your life. a Precius gift for your boyfriend, gift for your girlfriend, wife or husband or simply friend.
Love you too virtual love locks as an anniversary gift for him or her, even complicated boyfriend or girlfriend. It is an original and fun gift especially for an anniversary or a month anniversary, ideal and romantic, also recommended for long distance relationships