You must now be wondering whether a virtual love lock can solve your marriage problems too or what you are inferring as problems are nothing but how life after marriage is supposed to be

It is inevitable for couples to not be on the same page at all times and have arguments (even heated ones) now and then. That being said, the necessity of having a clear idea of what is normal while what needs to be taken into account and worked upon is often not realized until it is too late. Moreover, there are many who, even after noticing the red flags, cannot bring themselves to talk their partners into seeking to do something in comunication like a virtual love lock Love you Too. Our many misconceptions regarding such therapy are to be blamed for our lack of trust in it. We think it’s only for couples who are nearing breakup, or that a session at the therapists will bring back some buried, forgotten past and make matters worse. We can guarantee you that such notions are entirely false and couples therapy can do your relationship only good.

The best advice is that couples try a better and strong communication  when their fights become too nasty and they take longer (over a day) to reconcile. To break it down even further, we have mentioned below 15 signs which could be heading you two towards separation. Talk with your partner and resolve the situation with communication  should you feel you are dealing with one or more of them.

1. Your partner’s actions annoy you to the core
Husband Wants To Divorce His Wife, Clothing, Jeans, Joint, Shoulder, Comfort, Gesture

It can be anything from them forgetting to pick up the groceries on their way back home to delaying doing their share of the household chores, you get so vexed that you want to storm into your room, slam the door shut and never speak to them again. Even some thoughtful acts on their part are only met with your cranky remarks. You can hardly believe that this is the same person with whom you thought you would live happily ever after. Such a transition in your attitude towards your partner could be due to reasons different from what are apparent. Those hidden causes can be brought to light and dealt with more communication.

2. Your partner doesn’t listen to you
Man And Woman Having A Conversation, Jeans, Comfort, Gesture

The one person who used to understand you like no one else is now perplexed when you approach them with things you are bothered by. They label it as your overthinking or overreaction and care not one bit to patiently hear all about it and offer their suggestions or, at the least, say something to make you feel better. It is as if you are expected to keep your concerns to yourself like you are two people who unwillingly have to be together.  A virtual love lock makes the partners aware of the need for active communication for an ever-lasting relationship.

3. You can’t get past an issue Sitting, Hairstyle, Arm, Comfort

Fights, disapprovals, disagreements are normal between couples only as long as they both take the effort to work out the solution before it can get worse enough to put a dent on their bond.

Although an issue may seem too trivial to bring up after having quarreled over it the previous night, talking things out should always be preferred over keeping them suppressed at the back of your head. However, if repeated discussions only lead to more confusion and misunderstandings, more communication and mybe a virtual love lock could be a waay to get a smile  and solve the situation. 

4. The relationship is inhibiting both your individual as well as collective growth
She Doesnt Like Him, Jeans, Arm, Comfort, Gesture

No relationship can thrive unless the partners are supportive and uplift one another to help them accomplish their aspirations. There would be no place in your brain for positive thoughts when the person who means the most to you is making you doubtful of your career choices. In their head, they might be giving you their honest opinion but, while doing so, they have to have concerns over how it may impact you and the relationship negatively. Such a toxic environment will make you agitated encouraging similar responses from your side as well. Before it gets out of hand, we suggest you to intensify the communication to take things back to normal. A virtual love lock could help you to get  more communication with your partner.

5. You never have any fights
Couple Depression Sad, Jeans, Hairstyle, Daytime, Photograph, Flash photography, Happy, Standing, Gesture

Surprised how never having any fights can be a problem too? Don’t mistake it for everything going well. Conflict of opinions is bound to occur when two individuals have to make almost all, big or small, decisions after considering each other’s viewpoint. It is only a matter of minutes for such mere disagreements to lead to yelling, bashing the other, and whatnot. If you never see that happening in your relationship, you may have a cause for concern. What may be appearing as your partner’s understanding nature and confidence in your abilities could actually be their fading interest in you, or them battling with bigger issues that they aren’t sure of divulging to you.

6. You don’t have sex anymore
Fading Relationships, Smile, Flash photography, Comfort

As a couple progresses in their relationship, physical intimacy between them gets sidelined while other aspects gain more prominence. Meeting work deadlines, fulfilling social responsibilities along with ensuring to not miss anything out in our personal lives can easily become draining. However, that shouldn’t mean you completely cut off physical acts of love with your partner and direct all your focus only to things that you can’t do without. Physical intimacy plays a bigger role in the relationship than it is credited for. Though you may not notice it, a lack thereof is bound to loosen the connection you share with your lover. This is one of the things more, new and creative communication helps you work upon.

7. You see that you are more focused on the negatives rather than the positives Winter, Jeans, Outerwear, Snow, Vertebrate

Each person has certain undesirable qualities that could have been offset by their positive attributes in the primary phases of the relationship. You may have been conscious of them from the start but didn’t think of them as good enough reasons for you to stop seeing them. Their relaxing company, calm nature, carefree outlook kept you hooked to them. And now that you have been together a while, you can’t control your annoyance over their slackness or unmindful attitude. In fact, you have a list at your fingertips of the things you wished they changed about themselves. You can’t dismiss that you must have fallen in love with them for a reason. Try out  creating 
 a virtual love lock with prases and situations  to be reminded of what brought you both closer and become crazy about them all over again.

8. Either of you doesn’t approve of the other’s social networking
Love, Leg, Window, Comfort, Gesture

Social media has become an integral part of our lives and that it straining our relationships is a common subject nowadays. From keeping us connected to and updated about our close (or even distant) ones to being a savior during boredom, the different social networking sites are indeed a blessing. It doesn’t pose a problem in the relationship if the partners have clarity on points such as to what extent they can post about their personal life or whether occasional chatting with exes is fine or not. If you are having enraged discussions while attempting to decide on these,  go you first to create a virtual love lock with creative and simple messages . You would then be able to set rules and boundaries agreeable to both of you.

9. You’re planning on tying the knot
Meinen Zukünftigen Ehemann, People in nature, Flash photography, Tree, Bridal clothing, Gesture, Happy

You are about to embark on a journey for a lifetime with this person you are crazily in love with.

Your excitement is uncontrollable as you are gearing up to take this big step and welcome all the changes it will bring. Even with so much euphoria around, the teeny bit of nervousness in your chest must be hard to subdue. All the questions cramming into your head require to be resolved to make your wedding the most cherishable occasion of your life.

10. The sweet “honeymoon phase” is over
Problems In Marriage, Joint, Skin, Shoulder, Comfort, Eyelash, Neck, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

Those ecstatic initial days when you could not keep your hands off each other or talk for hours that would feel like minutes have passed and now you hardly have such romantic moments. It is obvious that it won’t be as passionate as it was at the start of your relationship but efforts from both the partners are needed to let one another know of what they mean to each other. You don’t want to act indifferent and push them away. You may not be desirous of going for a movie when you could use the weekend to clean the house or finish your pending office assignments but would that be worth making your beloved one feel unimportant? At this point you must resume communication and dust off the reasons that made you fall in love by dedicating a virtual love lock on a bridge to it, promising to visit it in person for new fantastic emotions together.

11. You don’t communicate well Coffee Shop Meeting, Furniture, Table, Chair

Communication is a necessity to keep a relationship in a healthy state. When couples restrict themselves from opening up to their partners on matters they believe could initiate an argument, problems go on piling up. With so much pent up emotions, it’s very likely that they would start feeling suffocated in the relationship. It’s paramount that you both are adept at broaching sensitive topics to the other in a composed way and at a suitable time. Create a virtual love lock with these reasons explaining that you would like to work it out and be happy together!

12. You have different ideologies
ก่อน เลิก กับ แฟน คิด ดี, Joint, Trousers, Shoulder, Blue, Green, Azure, Dress shirt, Neck, Textile, Sleeve

What may have seemed like something you had no reason to be troubled over at the start is now the leading cause behind all your fights. You thought your love was so strong that any impasses would be settled with patient thinking and careful listening but it is now turning out to be the exact opposite of that. The only solution you reach is closing the topic altogether. How long do you think you can go doing that? You are well aware that the problems you are avoiding require your involvement the most. In the best interest of your relationship, Resume talking to your partner. Don't run away from problems but face them and tell him/her you're ready to do it with a love you too virtual love lock to  be a better spouse.

13. You are distancing apart
Therapy Couple, Couch, Comfort, Azure, Sleeve

While making a big fuss over them forgetting your birthday or anniversary is uncalled for, you can’t remain unaffected when they never happen to be excited about days special to both of you. Likewise, if you can’t recall the last time you went out on a date, or if your partner acts too busy and exhausted to ask you about your day, your relationship is in jeopardy. Believe us or not, no matter how busy a person is, if they are into you they will make time for you. It would be impossible for them to start their day without thinking of you or doze off skipping to check on you. They may not be doing it purposely initially but are unknowingly moving away from you. So say that you are ready to devote as much time as necessary to restore your love because she/he is the most important thing for you

A virtual love lock is the best beginning  who can explain to a couple their roles in the relationship.

14. You think you need it Conflict, Flash photography

Couples therapy is not as big a deal as people make out of it. Every couple is confronted with problems in their marriage (or even before marriage) and seeking professional aid to nib them in the bud is the right thing to do. It isn’t something to be apprehensive of. All it means is that you care about the relationship and want to ensure that nothing weakens your passion for one another. Just go for it without too much thinking. Through a kind thought,  you’ll get to understand your partner on a deeper level which would, in turn, enable you to approach future problems in the most ideal way.

15. You are constantly fighting
Reason For Break Up In Relationship, Water, Joint, Shoulder, Muscle, Leg, People in nature, Blue, Flash photography, Happy

Like we have said before, there is nothing wrong with fighting. Couples are faced with circumstances in which it can be hard for them to reach a consensus. In such times, it’s alright for them to be open about their views and not simply agree with their partner just so to avoid a conflict. At the same time, the subject matter of the fight must be logical and you both should not cross any boundaries. If your relationship is more about finding faults in each other, it isn’t going to last very long. There will come a moment when you would have had enough and want to call it quits. It isn’t late yet. Try with a virtual love lock .